what is the uid number in uae? The UID number, or Unified Number, is a crucial identifier utilized within the United Arab Emirates. In this article we will provide what is the uid number in uae and Method to check uid number.
what is the uid number in uae
what is the uid number in uae? The UID number, also known as the Unified Number, serves as a pivotal identifier for residents and citizens within the United Arab Emirates. Comprising a 6-digit code, it plays a crucial role in various governmental and commercial transactions, enhancing security measures and improving operational efficiency.
Read more: Understanding how to get uid number in uae online
how to check uid number online uae
To check uid number online uae, follow these steps:
- Go to the website:gdrfad.gov.ae.
- Click on “find my Unified Number”

- Provide the necessary information like your passport number, nationality, date of birth, and gender as instructed.

- Once done, click on the submit button to reveal your Unified Number for the UAE.
Read more: how to find uid number in uae online
what is the meaning of uid number
UID stands for “Unique Identifier Number.” It’s a term used to refer to a unique numerical code or identifier assigned to an individual, entity, or object for identification and tracking purposes. In various contexts, UID numbers can be used to uniquely identify people, products, transactions, or any other data points.
what is the use of uid number uae visa page
Your Unified Number (UID) is a unique identifier in the UAE, usually found on the entry stamp in your passport or on your visa. It’s a 6-digit code that uniquely identifies individuals within the country.

Read more: what is uid number in uae and how to find it
uid number check required documents
To verify your Unified Identity Number (UID) online, you have two options: accessing the General Directory of Residency and Foreign Affairs’ Online Portal or using your Passport/Visa Document.
In either method, you’ll be required to provide specific details for authentication, including your Passport Number, Date of Birth, Nationality, and Gender.
what is the uid number in uae? It serves as a fundamental pillar in the country’s administrative infrastructure, providing residents and citizens with a unique identifier essential for various governmental and commercial transactions.
Can I request the merging of UID numbers?
Individuals frequently seek to consolidate their UID numbers by reaching out to the appropriate immigration or identification authorities.
How many digits is an UID number?
The digits is an UID number is 12 digit
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